/ Changes On Branch tkt-2500cdb9be

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Changes In Branch tkt-2500cdb9be Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 6d6f0592ab to ad53924dca

Only consider AS names from the result set as candidates for resolving identifiers in the WHERE clause if there are no other matches. In the ORDER BY clause, AS names take priority over any column names. Fix for ticket [2500cdb9be]. (check-in: d0d5af79a0 user: drh tags: trunk)
Only consider AS names from the result set as candidates for resolving identifiers in the WHERE clause if there are no other matches. In the ORDER BY clause, AS names take priority over any column names. Candidate fix for ticket [2500cdb9be]. (Closed-Leaf check-in: ad53924dca user: drh tags: tkt-2500cdb9be)
Add a test case for detaching a database referenced by an fts4aux table created in the temp schema. (check-in: 6d6f0592ab user: dan tags: trunk)
Change the fts4aux virtual table module so that fts4aux tables created in the temp database may report on fts3/fts4 tables in any attached database. (check-in: 546a187f13 user: dan tags: trunk)

Changes to src/resolve.c.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Added test/resolver01.test.

Changes to test/tkt2822.test.