/ Changes On Branch threads-sort-ex1

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Changes In Branch threads-sort-ex1 Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from f4125771e2 to acdc7d1270

Do not let the multi-core sorter use lookaside memory, which is not thread-safe. (Leaf check-in: acdc7d1270 user: drh tags: threads-sort-ex1)
Merge in all the latest trunk changes. (check-in: 45cdc32f1e user: drh tags: threads-sort-ex1)
Cherry-pick [555fc07]: Changes to the thread routines to disable them when threading is turned off using sqlite3_config(). Also merge all recent trunk changes. (check-in: c92b0fe137 user: drh tags: threads)
Attempt to use two cores to do sorting. Unfortunately, instead of making sorts go faster as was hoped, this changes slows sorting down by about 10%. (Later:) The previous measurement was compiled using -pg. When compiled using -Os, this new code is roughly 10% faster than the original. (check-in: 11dd05e598 user: drh tags: threads-sort-ex1)
Update the threads branch to include all the latest trunk changes. (check-in: f4125771e2 user: drh tags: threads)
Changes to the spellfix test script to make the results deterministic. (check-in: 31c07db256 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add an assert() to help verify the return code from the Win32 thread wait function. (check-in: ed3dc7a89f user: mistachkin tags: threads)

Changes to Makefile.msc.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3.c.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3Int.h.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3_write.c.

Changes to src/btree.c.

Changes to src/build.c.

Changes to src/mem1.c.

Changes to src/os_unix.c.

Changes to src/os_win.c.

Changes to src/sqlite.h.in.

Changes to src/test1.c.

Changes to src/test_config.c.

Changes to src/test_multiplex.c.

Changes to src/test_spellfix.c.

Changes to src/threads.c.

Changes to src/vdbe.c.

Changes to src/vdbeInt.h.

Changes to src/vdbeaux.c.

Changes to src/vdbesort.c.

Changes to test/fts3auto.test.

Changes to test/fts3defer.test.

Changes to test/fts3defer2.test.

Changes to test/fts3matchinfo.test.

Changes to test/fts4aa.test.

Changes to test/releasetest.tcl.

Added tool/checkSpacing.c.

Changes to tool/lemon.c.