/ Changes On Branch tclMode

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Changes In Branch tclMode Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 7d5fc1a339 to 41fd9dd290

Improvements to the 'tcl' shell output mode. Escape doublequotes, set separator to space when mode is set, and skip separator after final column. (check-in: 487ba75313 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix an out-of-order function declaration when compiled with MEMDEBUG. (check-in: 6d31557837 user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Improvements to the 'tcl' shell output mode. Escape double quotes, set separator to space when mode is set, and skip separator after final column. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 41fd9dd290 user: mistachkin tags: tclMode)
Remove an unreachable condition. Replace it with an assert(). (check-in: 7d5fc1a339 user: drh tags: trunk)
Make sure that the optimization that set the maximum column that will be used on a particular query does not mistakenly change an opcode other than OP_OpenRead or OP_OpenWrite. In particular, make sure it does not overwrite the P4 field of an OP_SorterOpen. (check-in: b0c1ba655d user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/shell.c.

Changes to test/shell1.test.