/ Changes On Branch stat4-avgeq

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Changes In Branch stat4-avgeq Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from d2fc322728 to fc619be057

Improve the accuracy of the estimates used when searching an index for values not present in any stat4 samples. (check-in: 3aff9a9cac user: dan tags: trunk)
Updates to documentation and requirements marks. No code changes. (check-in: 0f8102d71a user: drh tags: trunk)
Add a test to show that the change on this branch is effective. (Closed-Leaf check-in: fc619be057 user: dan tags: stat4-avgeq)
Avoid leaking Index.aiRowEst memory if an OOM causes a rollback which deletes the index before the aiRowEst deletion code in sqlite3AnalysisLoad() routine has a chance to run. Since the aiRowEst now might be deleted from freeIndex() which does not always have a db pointer, make sure the aiRowEst memory is not held in lookaside. (check-in: efd87ba142 user: drh tags: stat4-avgeq)
Improve the accuracy of the estimates used when searching an index for values not present in any stat4 samples under some circumstances. (check-in: e6f7f97dbc user: dan tags: stat4-avgeq)
Add requirements marks on the sqlite3_db_status() interface implementation. Fix a typo in the documentation. Fix the new sqlite3_result_text64() routine so that it works correctly with an encoding parameter of SQLITE_UTF16. (check-in: d2fc322728 user: drh tags: trunk)
Update to requirements marks related to changes in the memory allocation interface and enhancement of the documentation regarding DEFAULT clauses in CREATE TABLE. (check-in: 440705b98a user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/analyze.c.

Changes to src/build.c.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Added test/analyzeD.test.