/ Changes On Branch shared-cache-fixes

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Changes In Branch shared-cache-fixes Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 6dae62c4e5 to 65ff754e35

Make sure an sqlite3_close() or a rollback on one shared-cache connection does not disrupt the operation of other connections using the same shared cache. Fix for ticket [e636a050b709]. (check-in: 5cc1cc55d2 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add main.c to the list of files compiled with SQLITE_TEST defined when building testfixture. (check-in: a58af81483 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix the sharedA.test module so that it does not attempt to run TCL callbacks on a different thread from where the interpreter was originally created. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 65ff754e35 user: drh tags: shared-cache-fixes)
Do not run sharedA.test if the system is not threadsafe. (check-in: d484eaf8d6 user: dan tags: shared-cache-fixes)
Merge latest trunk changes with this branch. (check-in: 47dd65a890 user: dan tags: shared-cache-fixes)
When loading a database schema that contains an index definition that includes a COLLATE clause for which the collation sequence is unavailable, do not assume that that index uses BINARY instead. Fix for [0fc59f908b]. (check-in: 6dae62c4e5 user: dan tags: trunk)
Add the rot13.c loadable extension. (check-in: 8f9bd8e7a8 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/btree.c.

Changes to src/main.c.

Added test/sharedA.test.