/ Changes On Branch schemalint

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Changes In Branch schemalint Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 64487d658c to d5b597b52a

Add the sqlite3_vtab_collation() function, which allows an xBestIndex callback to determine the collation sequence that SQLite will use for a comparison. And the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_FULL_EQP configuration option, which enhances the output of "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" so that it includes statements run by triggers. And the code for the sqlite3_expert extension and command line application. (check-in: 4c782c9502 user: dan tags: trunk)
Merge latest trunk changes into this branch. (Closed-Leaf check-in: d5b597b52a user: dan tags: schemalint)
Add unnecessary initializations to some local variables in the rtree module to suppress false-positive compiler warnings coming out of MSVC. (check-in: 64487d658c user: drh tags: trunk)
Enhance the "swarmvtab" extension. See header comments in ext/misc/unionvtab.c for details. (check-in: 01c173651a user: dan tags: trunk)
Merge latest trunk changes into this branch. (check-in: 373fa21bff user: dan tags: schemalint)

Changes to Makefile.in.

Changes to Makefile.msc.

Added ext/expert/README.md.

Added ext/expert/expert.c.

Added ext/expert/expert1.test.

Added ext/expert/sqlite3expert.c.

Added ext/expert/sqlite3expert.h.

Added ext/expert/test_expert.c.

Changes to main.mk.

Changes to src/main.c.

Changes to src/pragma.c.

Changes to src/sqlite.h.in.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/test_tclsh.c.

Changes to src/vdbeaux.c.

Changes to src/where.c.

Changes to test/permutations.test.