/ Changes On Branch nextgen-query-plan-logcost

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Changes In Branch nextgen-query-plan-logcost Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 0f8a38ee54 to 36373b85f9

Use a logarithmic rather than linear cost and row-count measures. Do not report row count estimates in EQP output. (check-in: b777b1097d user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-exp)
Fixes to EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output. Change weights back to something closer to what they are in legacy. More test case fixes. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 36373b85f9 user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-logcost)
Handle virtual tables correctly when using logarithmic costs. Fixes to test cases. (check-in: e612664aa2 user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-logcost)
First attempt to store costs and row counts as a logarithm. (check-in: 9e8109673c user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-logcost)
Simplification and performance tweak to the high-speed NGQP bypass. (check-in: 0f8a38ee54 user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-exp)
Performance improvements for whereScan methods. (check-in: aae14350a3 user: drh tags: nextgen-query-plan-exp)

Changes to ext/rtree/rtree6.test.

Changes to ext/rtree/rtree8.test.

Changes to src/select.c.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/where.c.

Changes to test/all.test.

Changes to test/analyze3.test.

Changes to test/analyze4.test.

Changes to test/analyze5.test.

Changes to test/analyze6.test.

Changes to test/analyze7.test.

Changes to test/analyze8.test.

Changes to test/async5.test.

Changes to test/autoindex1.test.

Changes to test/backup4.test.

Changes to test/between.test.

Changes to test/btreefault.test.

Changes to test/capi3e.test.

Changes to test/close.test.

Changes to test/corruptF.test.

Changes to test/e_createtable.test.

Changes to test/e_fkey.test.

Changes to test/eqp.test.

Changes to test/exclusive.test.

Changes to test/fallocate.test.

Changes to test/filefmt.test.

Changes to test/fts3aa.test.

Changes to test/fts3ao.test.

Changes to test/fts3atoken.test.

Changes to test/fts3auto.test.

Changes to test/fts3aux1.test.

Changes to test/fts3corrupt.test.

Changes to test/fts3defer2.test.

Changes to test/fts3expr3.test.

Changes to test/fts3malloc.test.

Changes to test/fts3matchinfo.test.

Changes to test/fts3prefix2.test.

Changes to test/fts3query.test.

Changes to test/fts3shared.test.

Changes to test/fts3snippet.test.

Changes to test/fts3sort.test.

Changes to test/fts3tok1.test.

Changes to test/fts3tok_err.test.

Changes to test/fts4content.test.

Changes to test/incrblob3.test.

Changes to test/incrblob4.test.

Changes to test/incrblobfault.test.

Changes to test/incrvacuum3.test.

Changes to test/indexedby.test.

Changes to test/io.test.

Changes to test/ioerr6.test.

Changes to test/like.test.

Changes to test/lock7.test.

Changes to test/misc7.test.

Changes to test/notify3.test.

Changes to test/pager1.test.

Changes to test/pagerfault.test.

Changes to test/pagerfault2.test.

Changes to test/pagerfault3.test.

Changes to test/securedel2.test.

Changes to test/shared8.test.

Changes to test/sharedlock.test.

Changes to test/tkt-385a5b56b9.test.

Changes to test/tkt-3a77c9714e.test.

Changes to test/tkt-3fe897352e.test.

Changes to test/tkt-78e04e52ea.test.

Changes to test/tkt-7a31705a7e6.test.

Changes to test/tkt-7bbfb7d442.test.

Changes to test/tkt-c48d99d690.test.

Changes to test/tkt-d11f09d36e.test.

Changes to test/tkt-f3e5abed55.test.

Changes to test/tkt-f973c7ac31.test.

Changes to test/tkt3442.test.

Changes to test/tkt3918.test.

Changes to test/tkt3929.test.

Changes to test/unordered.test.

Changes to test/veryquick.test.

Changes to test/wal8.test.

Changes to test/walcksum.test.

Changes to test/walcrash.test.

Changes to test/walcrash2.test.

Changes to test/walcrash3.test.

Changes to test/walro.test.

Changes to test/walshared.test.

Changes to test/where.test.

Changes to test/where2.test.

Changes to test/where3.test.

Changes to test/where7.test.

Changes to test/where9.test.

Changes to test/whereC.test.

Changes to test/whereE.test.

Added tool/wherecosttest.c.