/ Changes On Branch loadext

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Changes In Branch loadext Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from e94783f36a to 86eb3eed4c

Enhance the extension loading mechanism so that the same source code can be used for run-time loadable extensions and statically linked extensions, and to mask architectural differences in shared libraries. (check-in: a85b6ecefa user: drh tags: trunk)
Make the SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1 and SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2 macros into no-ops if the extension is statically linked. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 86eb3eed4c user: drh tags: loadext)
Experiments in making loadable extensions easier to program. The shared library filename tries various operating-system specific extensions if the bare library name does not work. And the entry point is derived from the filename is the legacy entry point name "sqlite3_extension_init" is not found. (check-in: 6cfa1d73d7 user: drh tags: loadext)
Fix an incorrect comment (a copy/paste error) in the mptester. No code changes. (check-in: e94783f36a user: drh tags: trunk)
Add the --breakpoint and --show-sql-errors commands to mptester. (check-in: d0898fd76a user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/loadext.c.

Changes to src/sqlite.h.in.

Changes to src/sqlite3ext.h.

Changes to src/test_autoext.c.