/ Changes On Branch fts4-experimental

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Changes In Branch fts4-experimental Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 0901dcceda to 3997d47bb9

Fixes to prevent an FTS index from growing indefinitely as the corresponding table is updated. Change the FTS 'automerge' option to allow the user to specify the number of segments that should be merged simultaneously by auto-merges. (check-in: a75f180002 user: dan tags: trunk)
Add extra test to backcompat.test to ensure that old and new versions of FTS may work together on the same incremental merge operation. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 3997d47bb9 user: dan tags: fts4-experimental)
Repurpose the SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL test-control to register a callback to be invoked by sqlite3FaultSim(). That test-control has been unused since 2008-06-20 and was never used in any official release. (check-in: 0d43a7ad9a user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a bug causing an incorrect segment size value to be stored if both an old and new FTS version performed work on the same incremental merge operation. (check-in: a9a2aeab29 user: dan tags: fts4-experimental)
Merge latest trunk changes with this branch. (check-in: 5809986ffc user: dan tags: fts4-experimental)
Improve a comment in the MSVC makefile. No changes to code. (check-in: 0901dcceda user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Add VSIX packaging support for Windows Phone 8.1 using Visual Studio 2013 Update 2. (check-in: 013738f3d5 user: mistachkin tags: trunk)

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3.c.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3Int.h.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3_write.c.

Changes to test/backcompat.test.

Changes to test/fts3d.test.

Added test/fts4growth.test.

Added test/fts4growth2.test.

Changes to test/fts4merge4.test.

Changes to test/permutations.test.

Changes to test/trace2.test.