/ Changes On Branch fkey-optimization

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Changes In Branch fkey-optimization Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 1f68c18459 to 477bea9ed0

Avoid updating unaffected indexes on a table as part of an UPDATE that requires foreign key processing in some cases. (check-in: 7aae5c0f99 user: dan tags: trunk)
Avoid updating unaffected indexes on a table as part of an UPDATE that requires foreign key processing in some cases. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 477bea9ed0 user: dan tags: fkey-optimization)
Limit the depth of recursion for valid JSON in the JSON1 extension in order to avoid using excess stack space in the recursive descent parser. Fix for ticket [981329adeef51011052667a9]. (check-in: 1f68c18459 user: drh tags: trunk)
Smaller and faster implementation of exprMightBeIndexed(). (check-in: 76cd611d41 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/fkey.c.

Changes to src/update.c.