/ Changes On Branch without-rowid-or-opt

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Changes In Branch without-rowid-or-opt Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 856d44a206 to cbec30d0c4

Add the OR-optimization to WITHOUT ROWID tables. (check-in: 06a23b8b32 user: drh tags: trunk)
Minor enhancements to comments and clarification of the code. (Closed-Leaf check-in: cbec30d0c4 user: drh tags: without-rowid-or-opt)
Add a missing VdbeCoverage() macro on an OP_Found opcode added in the previous check-in. (check-in: b4980a07e2 user: drh tags: without-rowid-or-opt)
Merge recent trunk changes into the threads branch. (check-in: 8215202759 user: drh tags: threads)
Merge recent trunk changes into the apple-osx branch. (check-in: 54b5fa77e9 user: drh tags: apple-osx)
Enable the OR optimization for WITHOUT ROWID tables. Use a temp table instead of the RowSet object to track the rows that have already been included in the result set. (check-in: 2c7e277bbe user: dan tags: without-rowid-or-opt)
Merge recent trunk changes into the sessions branch. (check-in: a769c7e03e user: drh tags: sessions)
Fix a problem in the shell when importing CSV files. If the leftmost field of the first row in the CSV file was both zero bytes in size and unquoted, no data was imported. (check-in: 856d44a206 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix a problem in FTS4 where columns with names that are prefixes of any notindexed column were also being (incorrectly) marked as not indexed. For example in "CREATE ... t1(abc, bc, abcd, notindexed=abcd)", both abc and abcd were being treated as notindexed. (check-in: d90c4964fc user: dan tags: trunk)

Changes to src/where.c.

Added test/whereI.test.