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Parents and children of check-in [95141c6426]

Rework the code in ctime.c a bit to report on more compile time options. And to only output configuration options passed in to SQLite, not the default values of #define symbols set automatically. Also generate the large array in ctime.c using new script tool/mkctime.tcl, instead of entering it manually. (check-in: 9a443397a6 user: dan tags: trunk)
Ensure that the value of the THREADSAFE symbol is always included when reporting compile time options, even if it was not explicitly configured. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 95141c6426 user: dan tags: ctime-refactor)
Rework the code in ctime.c a bit to report on more compile time options. And to only output configuration options passed in to SQLite, not the default values of #define symbols set automatically. Also generate the large array in ctime.c using new script tool/mkctime.tcl, instead of entering it manually. (check-in: bc1951d699 user: dan tags: ctime-refactor)