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50 check-ins occurring around 051ac0152048ef52.

Fix ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN in cases where the column being renamed is an IPK declared with a separate PRIMARY KEY clause - "CREATE TABLE x(y INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(y))". (check-in: 32ca8418df user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix UPSERT so that it checks the target-constraint first and fires the DO UPDATE if that constraint is violated regardless of whether or not other constraints are in violation. This aligns SQLite behavior with what PostgreSQL does. Fix for ticket [908f001483982c43cdb476dfb590a1a]. (check-in: 529fb55e3d user: drh tags: trunk)
Stop requiring the global VFS mutex to access the unixInodeInfo.pUnused field. The unixInodeInfo mutex is sufficient. (check-in: e3ea43dabf user: drh tags: trunk)
Take extra precautions to ensure access to unixInodeInfo.pUnused is protected by all necessary mutexes. (check-in: 8b1e0010b9 user: drh tags: trunk)
Edit the WHEN and UPDATE OF clauses of trigger programs as part of ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN. (check-in: 5fdb6b0aaf user: dan tags: edit-trigger-wrapper)
Make the sqlite_rename_column() SQL function resistant to problems caused by OOMs and/or malformed parameters submitted by hostile application code. Also add additional comments to the RENAME COLUMN logic. (check-in: 87743ddef1 user: drh tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix legacy comments on Token. Begin commenting the new ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN code. Fix a memory leak in the sqlite_rename_column() SQL function. (check-in: 32edc89203 user: drh tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix issues with ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN associated with OOM errors. (check-in: 0b28dd5c2e user: drh tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix a heap-corruption causing race condition in os_unix.c that could occur when one thread wal opening a database file while another is unlocking the same file. Edit: Let's go in a slightly different direction with this fix. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 2447e0fd98 user: dan tags: unix-lock-fix-attempt)
Fix an incorrect comment on the unix-nolock VFS object. No functional code changes. (check-in: 90f7c193b4 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add the "atrc" test program. "Atrc" is short for "ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN". See the header comment on the program itself for further information. (check-in: ed64a55a22 user: drh tags: alter-table-rename-column)
If the new column name in an ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN statement is quoted, then also use quotes for the column name in the edited SQL statements. (check-in: ca5184a25f user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Avoid an assert() sometimes triggered by ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN in non-debug builds. (check-in: 520c1c75da user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix a bug causing ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN to fail when renaming an IPK column that is used in a CHECK constraint. (check-in: 6595c8811f user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix a bug causing all ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN commands to fail if ANALYZE had been run on the database. Also prevent the user from renaming the columns of system tables. (check-in: ca644a2877 user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Reload the entire schema after renaming a column in order to ensure that the schema for any tables for which parent key definitions were changed are reloaded. (check-in: f4497b0136 user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Ensure the schema cookie is changed when a column is renamed. (check-in: 2dec9ea4ab user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix harmless compiler warnings. (check-in: 9564d7008c user: drh tags: alter-table-rename-column)
When a column is renamed, update any references to it in REFERENCES clauses that belong to other tables. (check-in: 191079bd4f user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Merge latest trunk changes with this branch. (check-in: c355a83707 user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix a problem with renaming columns on tables with REFERENCES clauses that specify a large number of columns. (check-in: d48f7bbdf4 user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
Fix the isLikeOrGlob() routine in the WHERE clause processing logic so that it avoids signed/unsigned character comparisons, as that can lead to an incorrect answer if the ESCAPE clause is an invalid UTF8 string. Problem found by OSSFuzz. (check-in: 4195a3f8b5 user: drh tags: trunk)
Experimental implementation of ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN. Still buggy. (check-in: fa0fc01eb4 user: dan tags: alter-table-rename-column)
When a column must be a constant due to WHERE clause and the value of that column is being coded as a constant, make sure the affinity is correct. (check-in: 7404ea8316 user: drh tags: trunk)
Minor style improvements. (check-in: 60bbca2b9a user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Allow sqlite3_snapshot_open() to be called to change the snapshot after a read transaction is already open on database. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 051ac01520 user: dan tags: exp-snapshot-open)
Enhance the edit() function so that it converts text from \r\n back into \n only if the original unedited copy contained no \r\n values. (check-in: 20c995d3f0 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add the --info option to the fuzzcheck test utility. (check-in: 1caaaaa70f user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix an overzealous assert() statement discovered by OSSFuzz. (check-in: d9c9fe9f5a user: drh tags: trunk)
Remove the column-cache from the code generator. The column-cache has been a persistent source of bugs for years and with recent improvements in the performance of OP_Column, it no longer provides a benefit. After the column cache is removed, the binary is almost 2KB smaller and the speed-check.sh performance test is over 3 million cycles faster. (check-in: cdff3af7be user: drh tags: trunk)
Remove a testcase() that is no longer reachable without the column cache. Provide an assert() to help prove that the testcase is no longer reachable. (Closed-Leaf check-in: a500893b6f user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Fix comments that were made obsolete by the removal of the column cache. (check-in: 2041231d56 user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Remove more column-cache residue: The OP_SetColTab and OP_VerifyColTab opcodes and the associated SQLITE_DEBUG_COLUMNCACHE logic. (check-in: 80236e81ce user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Further logic simplifications that flow out of the omission of the column cache. (check-in: 7d9072b027 user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Add test cases for the constant expression fix of the previous check-in. (check-in: 95db5bd9fe user: drh tags: trunk)
Ensure that all expressions that are to be evaluated once at the start of a prepared statement (the Parse.pConstExpr expressions) pass the sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin() test. It is not sufficient to pass just the sqlite3ExprIsConstant() test as that would allow through column references that are bound to constants by the WHERE clause in the constant propagation optimization. This fixes a problem discovered by OSSFuzz. (check-in: 8bc7f84c39 user: drh tags: trunk)
Remove additional traces of the column cache. (check-in: db6052e972 user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Completely remove the column cache logic, which has been a persistent source of bugs for many years. Due to recent enhancements to the performance of the OP_Column opcode, removing the column cache actually makes speed-check.sh run faster. Removing the column cache also saves about 1,800 bytes of code space. (check-in: 3f5f60cd75 user: drh tags: omit-column-cache)
Fix the handling of sub-queries with LIMIT clauses by the optimization activated by compile-time symbol SQLITE_COUNTOFVIEW_OPTIMIZATION. (check-in: 21235d9a41 user: dan tags: trunk)
Fix the OP_SeekRowid opcode so that it has no type-change side-effects on the key register in P3. This fixes an obcure problem that arises when doing equi-joins between a table with a TEXT column against another table with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. The original problem was discovered when OSSFuzz created such a query and hit an assert() in OP_VerifyTabCol that was specifically designed to catch these kinds of errors at run-time. Test cases for this fix are in TH3. (check-in: fa94b49e02 user: drh tags: trunk)
Improve "PRAGMA vdbe_trace=ON" to always show the key values for the OP_IdxGT and related opcodes. (check-in: 0f881955ed user: drh tags: trunk)
In the command-line shell, always exit if realloc() fails. (check-in: e390023c8e user: drh tags: trunk)
Add a small cost penalty to sorting to bias the query planner in favor of plans that do not require a final sorting pass. (check-in: 85b9beb460 user: drh tags: trunk)
Do not allow a column reference that is converted into a constant by the WHERE-clause constant propagation optimization to be moved to the init-time constant expression list, as the table reference will not work there. This fixes a problem found by OSSFuzz. (check-in: d30b2a9473 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix an assert() statement that was made obsolete by the constant propagation enhancement. Problem discovered by OSSFuzz. (check-in: e4b4737e34 user: drh tags: trunk)
Improved debugging output when the ".selecttrace" option is used in the shell. (check-in: fcb88dd6b0 user: drh tags: trunk)
An early attempt at refactoring Expr (Closed-Leaf check-in: fc90a53de7 user: drh tags: expr-simplify-branch1)
Add assert() statements to sqlite3ExprDelete() that prove various symmetry properties of the Expr object that might be exploited to make the Expr object smaller and faster. (check-in: 81f25d5c84 user: drh tags: expr-simplify)
Improvements to the parser to increase coverage. Fix the parser so that at least one expresssion is required after PARTITION BY and within the list of expressions on VALUES(). (check-in: 02204f8b24 user: drh tags: trunk)
When doing a DROP VIEW do not try to delete entries from the sqlite_stat1 table as there are none. (check-in: 7efdba2bbc user: drh tags: trunk)