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Parents and children of check-in [50f8ea37fb]

Enhance the query planner cost estimation for index scans to take into account WHERE clause terms that can be computed using only the index and that do not require looking up rows in the original table. This fixes an obscure performance regression that arose when the ORDER BY LIMIT optimization was added by check-in [bf46179d44843]. (check-in: 9e2b268114 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add test cases and fix a comment. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 50f8ea37fb user: drh tags: improved-index-scan)
When estimating the cost of an index scan, factor in the cost savings of being able to use the index to evaluate some WHERE clause terms without having to do a table lookup. (check-in: a59b5622f7 user: drh tags: improved-index-scan)