/ Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: bacc0175a8c5bed6788997a9d81c2ab55119a1d41d1a2ac118baa496e6960211
Ticket: 674385aeba91c774d47736f1aefd259b074dc5d3
CAST('-0.0' AS NUMERIC) computes 0.0 rather than 0
User & Date: drh 2019-06-12 20:53:50

  1. icomment:
    The CAST of '-0.0' into numeric now yields 0 as a special case, which resolves
    this ticket.
    The issue of whether or not to display the minus sign when rendering a -0.0
    value into text is still open.  I observe that other database engines,
    and in particular PostgreSQL, do *not* display the minus sign.  So, for now,
    SQLite will follow PostgreSQL's lead and behave the same.
  2. login: "drh"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"
  4. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
  5. status changed to: "Fixed"