/ Changes On Branch trunk

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Changes In Branch trunk Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from d99a01a0f6 to d99a01a0f6

wasm: add a makefile comment about the static sqlite3.h/c version info injected into the JS files possibly differing from the runtime-emited version info when a user provides their own sqlite3.c. (Leaf check-in: d99a01a0f6 user: stephan tags: trunk)
If a RETURNING clause contains a subquery that references the table that is being updated in the statement that includes the RETURNING clause, then mark the subquery as correlated so that it is recomputed for each result and not just computed once and reused. See [forum:/forumpost/2c83569ce8945d39|forum post 2c83569ce8945d39]. (check-in: 9ea6bcc8fd user: drh tags: trunk)