/ Artifact [8d6de4b360]

Artifact 8d6de4b360601796301c34d957ec1048b8972ee3bcb2771296df6faccadbcbfa:

Wiki page [branch/begin-concurrent-pnu-wal2] by drh 2019-01-12 17:28:37.
D 2019-01-12T17:28:37.901
L branch/begin-concurrent-pnu-wal2
P 51315b38655c34b4e99b421af68c4bb35d54eca4cd109ad1d23267c336813391
U drh
W 405
Like the begin-concurrent-wal2 branch, this branch contains both the [/doc/wal2/doc/wal2.md|wal2] and 
"[/doc/begin-concurrent/doc/begin_concurrent.md|BEGIN CONCURRENT]" enhancements. It also has:

   *  the mutex-free PRNG,
   *  the mutex-free shmlock enhancement for VFS unix-excl,
   *  the "PRAGMA noop_update" feature (hence the "pnu" in the branch name), and
   *  the sqlite3_wal_info() API.
Z 115aa388ef409a3629f28bd141cfb0c0